The Birth Of The Neuro Emotional Technique

Throughout various points in medical history, physicians conjectured that the health of the mind and body was intertwined. As time went on, this concept began to be substantiated in a growing number of ways. Researchers discovered the concept of psychosomatic illnesses. These “illnesses” were symptoms that presented with no underlying physical cause. More recently, research has revealed that a patient’s attitude about their treatment can impact its effectiveness. In the 1970s, another fascinating discovery was made that birthed the Neuroemotional Technique or NET.

The Birth Of The Neuro Emotional Technique

At this time, studies revealed that our emotional responses take the form of neuropeptides. These chains of amino acids trigger neural receptors in our brain and other areas of the human body. Neuropeptides are information carriers, facilitating communication between the various parts of the body.  

The important takeaway from this is that our bodies hold on to emotional events for our entire lives. This attached a physiological basis for those who experience emotional triggers that can produce pain, panic, discomfort, or fear. These emotions lead to a reexperiencing of the traumatic state that formed the foundation of these responses.

The Neuroemotional Technique is a method of treatment that is non-invasive, does not involve drugs, and has substantial evidence of its effectiveness. The focus of NET is on:

  • Skeletomuscular imbalances
  • The presence of toxins in the body
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Unresolved emotional blockages, beliefs, and perceptions

In addition to the physical conditions that NET has been shown to be effective in treating, there are some psycho-emotional benefits as well. NET has been shown to be capable of:

  • Reprogramming subconscious conditioned responses to elicit a different response
  • Prevent behaviors that are self-sabotaging
  • Provide some relief from PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome
  • Reduction of anxiety, easing phobias such as arachnophobia, and addressing neurological imbalances resulting from unresolved stress

These benefits have led to a growing number of mental health professionals suggesting that neuro-emotional therapy and psychotherapy be used in tandem. Together they can address both the physical and mental components that affect our health. The most important thing to know about these therapies is that neither is a replacement for the other. NET can be a powerful tool for addressing your physical, mental, and emotional health concerns from a holistic approach. This creates a treatment plan that is comprehensive in its approach and treats the whole patient.

Contact Your Mental Health Therapist To Learn More Today

The first step to finding out if NET will be beneficial to your treatment is speaking to your mental health specialist. There’s a growing body of knowledge about this form of treatment and its role in psychotherapy. As a specialist in their field, your therapist will be able to explain the role it may play in yours. Each year more and more therapists are recognizing the role neuro-emotional therapy can play in treating their patients. Call your therapist and get a consultation today. You might find out you’re on your way to a comprehensive approach to your mental health concerns.

Dr. Alan Berlin is a New Jersey licensed clinical psychologist and founder of Aspire Psychological Group. Dr. Berlin has vast clinical training experiences including a residential adolescent addiction treatment center in Israel, community mental health centers, and youth detention centers. Dr. Berlin has lectured on parenting children with emotional and behavioral difficulties, child development, helping children with school-related challenges and trauma. Audiences included attorneys, mental health professionals, parents, and educators.

The Birth Of The Neuro Emotional Technique