5 Things That Can Lead Directly to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is normally associated with military combat. There is some historical precedent for that. Still, combat is not the only precursor to PTSD. A variety of traumatic experiences can trigger it. This post will introduce you to five of them.

Before we get to those things, however, know that PTSD is not new. Neither is post-traumatic stress therapy, by the way. PTSD was recognized as early as the mid-seventeenth century. It has been given a variety of names over the last several hundred years, including ‘battle shock’, ‘shellshock’, and ‘combat fatigue’. It was actually known as ‘nostalgia’ when the condition was first recognized in 1678.

It is also worth noting that the first instances of PTSD were observed in combat veterans. This explains why we associate the condition with military service. With that explanation, we can now get to the discussion of five things that can lead directly to PTSD. As you read, remember that Aspire Psychological offers post-traumatic stress therapy in New Jersey, New York, and via telemedicine.

1. Exposure to Violence

One could argue that the leading cause of PTSD is exposure to violent experiences. Again, that takes us back to military combat. However, we have observed patients experiencing PTSD as a result of other violent circumstances.

A good example is domestic violence. Another is violent sexual assault. Moreover, the PTSD sufferer doesn’t have to be the same person who actually experienced the violence. Witnessing violence against another person can trigger the condition.

2. Natural Disasters

Natural disasters are another leading cause of PTSD. Things like wildfires, hurricanes, massive floods, and earthquakes can be extremely stressful. They can induce such an intense reaction that a person ends up experiencing PTSD symptoms. Fortunately, post-traumatic stress therapy patients can overcome the psychological effects of natural disasters.

3. Serious Accidents

Next up are serious accidents, particularly those that result in permanent injuries. A patient in the midst of post-traumatic stress therapy might be dealing with the aftermath of a serious car accident that left her disabled. Or it might be a household accident, a traumatic sports injury, etc.

The one thing all these accidents have in common is the emotional stress they put on the patient at the time they occur. The more emotional stress a person is exposed to, the greater the likelihood than an accident will have long lasting psychological repercussions.

4. Abuse and Neglect

Unfortunately, some PTSD patients are suffering with the aftermath of abuse and neglect. We often see this in children. Being physically or emotionally neglected in childhood can have long lasting effects that are felt well into adulthood. Such cases tend to be the most challenging within the realm of post-traumatic stress therapy.

Adults can also experience PTSD symptoms as a result of abuse and neglect later in life. The fact is that anyone can be abused and neglected. Whenever such behavior occurs, PTSD is always a possibility.

5. Medical Trauma

Last on the list is medical trauma. Normally, we think of medical trauma as witnessing a medical emergency – like seeing a parent having a heart attack. But individuals can experience medical trauma through their own severe illness or some sort of invasive medical procedure. Medical trauma is more likely to be a PTSD trigger for children who do not have the life experiences to fully comprehend serious medical issues.

Aspire Psychological offers post-traumatic stress therapy to patients of all ages and life circumstances. Unfortunately, PTSD is not limited to combat veterans. The therapy is a much needed one in a world filled with traumatically stressful situations.

Dr. Alan Berlin is a New Jersey licensed clinical psychologist and founder of Aspire Psychological Group. Dr. Berlin has vast clinical training experiences including a residential adolescent addiction treatment center in Israel, community mental health centers, and youth detention centers. Dr. Berlin has lectured on parenting children with emotional and behavioral difficulties, child development, helping children with school-related challenges and trauma. Audiences included attorneys, mental health professionals, parents, and educators.

5 Things That Can Lead Directly to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder